Extended abstract submission

The official language of the Congress is English.

Extended abstract should have 800 words, excluding tables and figures, including bibliography.

The structure of the extended abstract should be as follows:

Background: Previous research and/or rationale for performing the study. Theoretical scope of the paper.

Purpose: Reason(s) for writing the paper or the aims of the research.

Design/methodology/approach: How are the objectives achieved? Main approach and method(s) used for the research.

Findings: What was found in the course of the work? Analysis, results and discussion.

Research limitations: Suggestions for future research and limitations in the research process.

Practical and social implications (not all papers will have these implications): Outcomes, consequences, and implications for practice or society. Impact upon the business or enterprise. Influence on public attitudes or public or industry policy. Effect on quality of life.

Originality/value: What is new in the paper? The value of the paper and to whom.

Bibliography: An extended abstract should contain references. Only the references that the author(s) refer to in the extended abstract, are to be cited in the Bibliography. References should be listed in alphabetical order.

Keywords: 5 keywords (keywords should be specific and act as the search term).

We welcome different categories of the extended abstracts:

  • Research paper
  • Conceptual paper
  • Case study
  • General review